to breathe respirar
to inhale inhalar
to exhale exhalar
to cough toser
to sneeze estornudar
to sigh suspirar
to hiccup, hiccough hipar, tener hipo
to yawn bostezar
to snore roncar
to burp eructar
to chew masticar
to rumble hacer ruido el estómago
to swallow tragar
to suck chupar
to lick lamer
to bite morder
to blink parpadear
to wink guiñar el ojo
to frown fruncir el ceño
to grin sonreír
to laugh reír
to blush ruborizarse
to sweat sudar
to shiver tiritar, temblar
to tremble temblar, estremecerse
to itch picar
to scratch rascarse
to sleep dormir
to dream soñar
to see ver
to look at mirar
to hear oír
to listen escuchar
to smell oler
to touch tocar
to taste gustar
to think pensar
to walk caminar
to run correr
to stand up pararse
to sit down sentarse